Friday, February 23, 2018
Socialism isn't for everyone
member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors. He made a post this week talking about CNN's remarks about MLK, who suggested he was a 'socialist before it was cool'.
The guy really took this to heart. He talks about how his grandparents grew up in the USSR during the times of Stalin, and the misinterpretation of how socialism and communism are two different ideas. Suggesting that ' It is impossible to separate socialism from communism because the former (an economic system) inevitably leads to the latter (a sociopolitical system) '
What I found most interesting was the part where he talked about how people are well informed on Hitler's Fascist Nazi movement, but unaware of the atrocities caused by Stalin of Russia, and Mao of China. Who combined killed hundreds of millions of people after falling off the path of ethical socialism, turning into an overall dictatorship. None of which is taught in our school systems. He emphasizes that human nature is the main reason why socialism will never work. One example would be what is currently going on in Venezuala, which was once a 'socialist utopia' and is now facing implemented tyranny, causing many civilians to flee to other countries. In Alex' words the reason for this is 'That is how socialism works. Thats how it always works.'
It's easy to see that Alex is targeting right-wing conservatives who are uncomfortable with change, and afraid of current socialist ideas. Suggesting to them that the repercussion of them will be mass genocide. However, this isn't entirely true. Alex fails to mention the prosperous countries that have benefited of socialism like Finland, the Netherlands, and Sweden. But it should be noted that these countries are far different than the United States, and a road to socialism here would most likely go astray even on good intentions. Due to the contribution of the United States to the rest of the world, there is much more room for greed, corruption, and power.
Here's the link to the Article. I should also mention that to comment section for this article is extremely toxic.
cnn thinks socialism cool my grandparents ussr would disagree
Friday, February 9, 2018
Cutting deals
Today reuters released an article about the most recent government shutdown. Congress passed a new temporary spending deal that is expected to push the US budget deficits $1 trillion annually. Not only were Republicans and Democrats at one another throats during the voting this morning, but Trump has already taken to social media to emphasize that the reason for it was because of the lack of "more Republicans in Congress..." Although Republicans seems happy with the $165 billion in military boost the deal allows over the next two years, many others are upset with the $131 billion going to non-military related spending.
Overall, I found this article both humorous and informative. It makes clear the lee way that political parties must make to operate a functioning government, and it also makes evident that both Democrats and Republicans are getting torn further and further against one another. I found the quote that one Republican said towards the Democrats that were still waiting to vote honestly funny.
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